Dr Sammy Valder is a member of the neutrino physics group at RAL. Sammy has previously worked on the T2K, Hyper-K, SNO+, and DUNE experiments as well as a range of detector development programmes including high pressure time projection chambers and opaque liquid scintillator detectors. An expert in low energy neutrino physics and detector calibration, Sammy has designed and developed multiple optical calibration devices and completed an electron neutrino cross-section analysis.
At RAL, Sammy is focussed on the Hyper-K experiment and is the installation lead for the outer detector (OD). He is active in the development of the OD PMT units, wavelength shifting plates, and implosion testing. Furthermore, Sammy commissioned, coordinates, and manages the UK mock-up of the Hyper-K detector frame housed at RAL (more details found here, scroll down to Hyper-K mock frame). Research interests are focussed on neutrino oscillation measurements and supernova neutrino detection. Sammy is also active in the LiquidO research and development programme.
Sammy is a member of the PPD seminar organisers team and has an active interest in developing and coordinating neutrino based public engagement activities.